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Writer's pictureEmma Duncan

Summer Holiday Projects - Let's get bombing!

FACT SHEET 4BC Radio 882

- Afternoons with Sofie Formica,

"Ask the Experts" Gardening Segment

Friday 17 December

We are heading into Christmas week and many of us are looking forward to enjoying a little more time to spend in the garden, on our balconies or patios.

With this extra time and the extra rain ths year has brought us also brings possibilities in the garden that we might otherwise not have attempted. Mother Nature is giving us the ideal weather to revegetate and rejuvenate all areas of your garden.

This is the year to be a little bold - try something new. Give it a go!

In a garden, establish a new garden bed! I'm noramlly hesitatnt to establish a new bed at this time of year because I don’t want to spend the rest of my free time trying to keep it alive - the rain this year is going to make it ideal.

Get fertilising - go organic - dynamic lifter and blood and bone, visit local acerage areas and grab a bag or two or three of manure. It's local, inexpensive and your garden in going to love you for it.

Regenerate and rejuvenate those areas of bare soil or just nothing areas of your yard. They are screaming out for something more… and for those areas I have the answer… bomb your garden. Seed bombs that is.

What are seed bombs? They aren't actually a new idea. It's till-free form of agriculture, made popular in Japan and by a gentleman called Masanobu Fukuoka. The essence is that you throw the bombs (balls os soil) which contain, seeds, soil and sometimes fertiliser, onto tired or degraded land and they will germinate and grow. - It’s a set and forget form of sowing or planting - The rain and sun then take over the rest - They are inexpensive to make. - They work in yards, pots, everywhere! What are the benefits I hear you say? Seed bombs can support native wildlife, bring insects, birds, pollinators back into urban and rural spaces alike. They brighten up ugly spaces, beautifying the urban jungle. They can even help with erosion and in establishing new native bushland. Other awesome points... - They help with reseeding lawns and even native grasses, shrubs and trees to help with erosion. - Seed bombs can include flowers, vegetables, herbs or even lawn seed. - You can make them yourself

- Throwing them is fun - Keep kids and adults entertained for ages - Make up your own mix and give them as gifts - you still have time before Christmas!

Disclaimer -

Think before you throw!

Technically if you through them

onto someone’s land you are trespassing.

Many councils in Australia allow

seed bombs, but please be respectful.

What will I need and how do I make them? INGREDIENTS - You will need:

  • One seed variety or a mixture of seeds- non-invasive please (HINT - use leftover seed packs, seeds from your garden or ask your neighbours for seeds from their garden)

  • Compost - please sieve to remove the larger more chunky pieces of mulch etc.

  • Water - using in a spray bottle is greta to regulate the amount of water you use

  • Powdered clay (found in craft shops)

  • Slow release fertiliser like Osmocote (optional)

  • Something it mix it all in

METHOD - Creating your seed bombs:

  1. In a bowl, mix together 1 cup of seeds with 5 cups of compost and 2 to 3 cups of clay powder (you could use clay soil instead if you have it in your garden)

  2. Slowly mix in water with your hands until everything sticks together. Only add enough water to make it stick together not enough to make it really wet.

  3. Roll the mixture into firm, but not really tight balls. Anything from a marble size to that of a golf ball is great

  4. Leave the balls for about 24 hours to really dry out.

  5. Now for the fun bit! Plant your seed bombs by throwing them at bare parts of the garden and wait to see what grows

  6. Germination can vary, however about 4 to 6 weeks in normal

  7. As long as they stay dry they’ll last for about 6 months, stored out of the weather in a dry place

See below for some great seed mix suggestions - Native seed and grass mixes, Australian Super Food seed mixes as well as herb bombs and flower mixes.

Wonderful seed choices for colour, edible, and native bombs: Natives: Wattle seeds Native grasses Australian Wildflower mixes Flowers: Sunflower Alyssum Lobelia Butterfly milkweed Sage Marigolds Coreopsis Poppies Cornflowers Edibles: Coriander seeds Lettuce seeds Tomato seeds Pumpkins Rockmelon Radish "Mr Foothergill’s" seeds have a great Australian Wildflower Mix. Visit their website at Some Australian seeds to get you started are - Paper/everlasting daisies Banksia seeds Boronia Bush Hibiscus Bush peas Native Fuchsia Native Iris Myrtles Gums Bottlebrush Billy buttons Gras tre seeds Geradton wax Native wisteria

"The Australian Super Food Co." have a terrific selection in their Herb and Seed Sample Pack. Visit their website at It includes - Cinnamon Myrtle Aniseed Myrtle Old Man’s Saltbush Mountain pepper berry Sandalwood nuts wattle seed Mountain Pepper Leaf

"Native Seeds” have a fabulous selection of native grasses, ideal for revegetation and soil erosion areas. Visit their website at Some great seeds are - Wallaby grass Curly windmill grass Native wheat grass Kangaroo grass Common tussock grass Curley Mitchell grass etc. Other terrific seed sites are - "Australian Seed" "The Seed Collection (Australian)" "Progressive Seeds” - more for pasture and lawns

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