Bespoke made and planted
Ready to design
Yes, Emma sometime gets a moment to create during the workshops too LOL
Deep in concentration gorgeous Brooke is creating a beautiful design.
Fabulous finished pieces!
Delicate living design
Spicer's Hidden Vale bike sculpture
The Great Day Out's Jess, opening her 'present'
Ready set create... a workshop about to begin
A break from the everyday to create
Creating with botanicals! Yes they are alive!
Workshops with amazing living creations
Living art Spring arrangement
A great day indeed - lovely people and a wonderful workshop!
Living artwork creation
Living art Spring arrangement
Living art fun for the 2017 Epic
Living art Spring arrangement
Personalised design
Well done Jess, such a lovely lady
Spicers Hidden Vale Barn
The Reception at Spicers Hidden Vale
Epic 2017
Natural detail
Succulents are stunning
'Milk Can' illuminated sculpture
Spicers truck creation
Tiny beauties adorn this intricate heart
A stunning moment captured when styling for someones special day.
The barn at Spicers Hidden Vale is a perfect setting to display this stunning piece
Vintage red ute and succulent adornment... a perfect combination
Getting succulent on the ride
Sometimes you have to stop, breathe and drink in the moment. The storm passed and sun came out
Ready for Christmas with this wreath
Illumiated orbs to light your night
Stunning end to a busy day
Simple and elegant
Spicers Hidden Vale fireplace piece
Vintage ute, barrels and modern succulents. Perfect